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5 DIY Summer Craft Projects

5 DIY Summer Craft Projects

Posted by Samantha Shreve on Jun 26th 2023

Summer is in full swing! With it getting hotter and more activities taking place outside, most people take a break from quilting and sewing. Howe … read more
5 Projects for Leftover Fabric

5 Projects for Leftover Fabric

Posted by Samantha Shreve on May 25th 2023

After all the projects there typically is fabric leftover. Fabric that sits tucked away, untouched, while you ponder what to do with a minimal sc … read more
Tips for Building a Capsule Wardrobe

Tips for Building a Capsule Wardrobe

Posted by Samantha Shreve on Apr 27th 2023

A capsule wardrobe is a great option for those looking to make more with less. If you aren’t familiar with a capsule wardrobe, it’s basically an … read more